Legal warning
Legal warning – TERMS OF USE of the website
Identity and owner of the website
Welcome to the website property of Viñedos y Bodegas Montedemba, S.L
In this space you can find all the information related to the legal terms and conditions that define the relationship between you, as a user, and us as the person in charge of this website.
As a user, it is important that you know these terms before continuing your navigation.
Viñedos y Bodegas Montedemba, S.L., as the person in charge of this website, assumes the commitment to process the information of its users and clients with full guarantees and to comply with the national and European requirements that regulate the collection and use of personal data of users.
This website, therefore, strictly complies with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), and with Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, known as the Regulation development of the LOPD. It also complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons (RGPD), as well as with Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).
Identification data of the owner of the Website
Viñedos y Bodegas Montedemba, S.L., hereinafter CONZIETO, is the owner of the domains and websites and, as well as all the subdomains and directories included in them (in hereinafter, jointly referred to as the “Website” or the “Website”).
Identity of the Responsible: Viñedos y Bodegas Montedemba, S.L
Commercial name: CONZIETO
Websites: and
NIF/CIF: B22223788
Address:Paseo Ramón y Cajal, 22 – 6ºC 22001 Huesca (Spain)
To communicate with CONZIETO directly and effectively, you can send an email to the following email address:
Use of the Website: The Website has been created by CONZIETO to publish its wine offer and to facilitate the electronic contracting of the same.
a) Access and responsible use: If you access this Website you are declaring that you are of legal age and have sufficient legal capacity to bind yourself to the terms and conditions that are made available to you, and that you do so under your sole and exclusive responsibility.
If you do not agree with the content of these terms of use, you must leave the Website. Access to the Website is free and free to be able to inform you of the services offered.
You are obliged at all times to make appropriate use of the resources made available to you on the Website, in accordance with the provisions of the terms and conditions, morality, public order, good customs and current legislation, without harming or damage the owners of the Website or any third party, for which you agree not to use such resources to engage in illicit activities, contrary to good faith or public order; cause damage to the physical and logical systems of CONZIETO, its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are capable of causing the aforementioned damage.
b) Registration and contracting conditions: CONZIETO makes certain free content available to you, but in order to enjoy it it will be necessary to proceed to register in the forms provided for this purpose, having to read, and if you agree to accept, the policy of privacy by checking the corresponding box.
However, other non-free content is offered, and in order to enjoy them, registration, contracting and payment are required, in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Conditions, which will be made available to you, in any case, in advance. , providing you with clear, truthful, sufficient, understandable, unequivocal and rational information about such services, which you must read and, if you agree, accept through the functionalities provided for this purpose on the Website.
c) User participation: Some of the pages of the Website may allow you to participate by making comments or generating content, being absolutely prohibited from disseminating content or propaganda of an illegal, racist, xenophobic, advocating terrorism, attack against human rights, or that incite hatred, violate the dignity of the person, of an insulting or slanderous nature or against public order or security.
CONZIETO reserves the right to withdraw all comments and/or content that do not comply with the foregoing or that are not suitable for publication on the Website.
In any case, CONZIETO will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by users through forums, chats, blogs or other participation tools that may be created, except as expressly provided for by the applicable regulations.
d) Contact and request for information: If you wish, you can contact CONZIETO to resolve your doubts in relation to our services through the different forms on the Website provided for this purpose, providing the information requested, and once you have read and, if you agree, accept the privacy policy (by means of a statement or a clear affirmative action, such as checking a box), you must press the corresponding button to send your contact information and your request for privacy information.
e) Veracity of the data provided: As a user, you are solely and exclusively responsible for ensuring that the data you provide to CONZIETO is up-to-date, complete and, of course, accurate and truthful. CONZIETO will in no case be responsible for the breach of such requirements with respect to the data you provide us.
a) Operation of the Website: CONZIETO cannot guarantee that there will be no interruptions or errors in accessing the Website. However, there is a firm commitment, as soon as it becomes aware of such incidents, to carry out all actions aimed at its restoration or repair, except for the concurrence of causes beyond the control of CONZIETO that make it impossible or hinder its execution.
b) Exoneration of responsibility: CONZIETO does not assume any responsibility for the documents or files stored in your system, as a consequence of the presence of viruses in the terminal that you use to connect to the services and contents of the Website or the use of versions not updates of a browser or a malfunction of the same.
Intellectual and Industrial Property:
a) Contents of the Website: All the elements and/or contents made available to you on the Website or those that can be accessed by contracting them, have been created by CONZIETO or it has a license or authorization for its use.
Therefore, the user knows and accepts that the entire website, containing without limitation the text, audio, videos, images, trademarks or logos, software, content, structure and design of the website, color combinations, applications necessary for its operation, are the exclusive property of CONZIETO and is protected by trademarks, copyrights and other legitimate rights, in accordance with international treaties to which Spain is a party and other property rights and laws of Spain.
By virtue of the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the method of making them available, of all or part of the contents of this web page, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of CONZIETO. The user undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by CONZIETO.
b) Content generated by the user: With the acceptance of these terms of use, you grant CONZIETO such a broad license, as required by law, for the publication of the contributions you make in the different participation services established on the Site. Website or on CONZIETO’s social network profiles.
It is absolutely forbidden for you to upload to the Website, share or make any other type of use of legally protected content without being legitimated to do so, both by the legislation related to intellectual property, industrial property (trademarks, patents, utility models, industrial designs) or by any other that, where appropriate, may be applicable.
CONZIETO offers the possibility of denouncing any kind of violation of rights by any user or third party due to the introduction of certain content on the Website, notifying CONZIETO of said circumstance, by sending an email to the address stated above.
Links Policy:
a) Links from other websites: If you intend to establish a link from a web page of another Internet portal to any of the CONZIETO web pages, you must submit to the following conditions:
– The total or partial reproduction of any of the services or contents of the website, nor the establishment of deep-links, nor IMG or image links, nor frames with the Website is not allowed without having prior express authorization and by written.
– No false, inaccurate or incorrect statement will be made about the Website, nor about its services or contents. Except for those signs that are part of the link, the web page on which it is established will not contain any brand, commercial name, establishment label, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to CONZIETO, unless expressly authorized by it.
– The establishment of the link will not imply the existence of any relationship between CONZIETO and the owner of the website or portal from which it is made, nor CONZIETO’s knowledge and acceptance of the services and content offered on said website or portal.
– CONZIETO will not be responsible for the content or services made available to the public on the web page or portal from which the hyperlink is made, nor for the information and statements included therein.
b) Links to other websites: The CONZIETO website may make available to the user links to other websites managed and controlled by third parties, with the exclusive function of facilitating users to search for information, content and services on the Internet, without that in no case can it be considered that CONZIETO markets, directs, controls or owns the contents, services, information and statements available on said websites.
CONZIETO does not assume any type of responsibility, even indirectly or subsidiary, for the content, information, communications, opinions or services linked from those websites not managed by CONZIETO and that are accessible through the Web, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), in the user’s documents or files, excluding any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.
Breach. Right of Exclusion: Any breach of these terms of use will be liable to prosecution, as well as any improper use of the Web, and CONZIETO may exercise as many legal actions as may correspond to it in defense of its legitimate interests. CONZIETO reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the Website, without prior notice, at its own request or that of a third party, to those users who fail to comply with these terms of use.
Modification of these terms: CONZIETO may modify the terms determined here at any time, being duly published as they appear here. The validity of the aforementioned terms of use will depend on their exposure and will be in force until they are modified by others duly published.
Applicable law and jurisdiction: In general, the relations of CONZIETO with the users of its telematic services, present on this website, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction and to the courts of HUESCA.
If any user has any questions about these Legal Conditions or any comments about the portal, please contact The legal notice has been updated for the last time on 09-08-2021.